Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I still don't like LeBron, but I do like this ad

Take a look at Nike's new spot for LeBron James as it tries to breathe new life into the one-man brand who had a memorable off season. Personally, I like the spot - love that he rips on Barkley - but still can't stand James after his antics this summer. The ad debuts with the season opener of Cavs...wait, I mean Heat vs. Celtics.


  1. I don't like it, to me he's just pretending that he left Cleveland for good reasons, which he didn't. He got bad advice, he should not listen to his friends- they're freeloaders who need him so that they can be something. The ad just shows how ignorant he is.

  2. Both great points (Snipes, I know you well enough to know what's being said with "meh")
