Tuesday, April 13, 2010

They Can't All Be Homeruns...

So the weather wasn’t quite as warm this weekend, but the sun was shining so Phil and I decided to celebrate his successful move with a few beverages. An errand brought us to the Back Bay so we decided to hit a couple spots on Boylston St. First up was Cactus Club which sets up about ten smaller tables inside a fenced in area of the side walk. The beer selection is top notch for an outdoor environment with ample Mexican brews including a personal favorite, Tecate. You can’t sit in the outdoor section without ordering food but the appetizer menu was solid and the chips and guac we went with hit the spot. Being on the sidewalk amps up the people watching but it gets a little loud with all the traffic and people walking by. The service outside isn’t great mainly because there isn’t a real easy way to get from the outdoor area back inside. I like their idea for use of an outdoor venue but I think their effort to make it work efficiently is pretty minimal.

Our next stop was Rattlesnake and their rooftop bar. If I am being honest, Rattlesnake was not my cup of tea. There is no direct sunlight and the only view you have is 360 degrees of brick walls. They also commit the ultimate crime of not serving Budweiser products. I didn’t even think that was an option in 2010 but you learn something new every day. I applaud their efforts but the space just doesn’t work well for a rooftop bar.

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