Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No You Didn't

"When it comes to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV." - Mike Damone of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

"I don't know about you guys, but I love Led Zeppelin." - Al of Al's Limo.

Anytime you can connect a dude named Al to the movie Fast Times at Rigdemont High, you know a blog post full of good news is coming. But this is not the case.

Al's limo is a staple amongst a certain subset of Long Islanders and New Yorkers that I happen to know for classy transportation and very good times. Al pretty much "gets it" but he may not "have it" anymore thanks to a recent story featured in a certain New York-area paper that is bound to catch the attention of the fuzz. It is fun-police beat writers like a-hole Brooklynite Jake Pearson that make The Daily News not worth the recycled toilet paper on which it is printed. Readers, take this as your cue to boycott The News and your call-to-arms to save Al and this limo.

Photo courtesy of, unfortunately, The Daily News

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