Wednesday, August 11, 2010

That Smell, Greg, is Our Sh!T

The knock on electric vehicles is that they are about as stylish and attractive as the people most likely to drive them. So I guess not all that good looking. But here to put a sexy name to next generation vehicle technology are two German companies.

VW is poised to introduce a car powered by human exrement. Poop. Doo doo. You get it. Now read about it here and look at pics below.

More surprisingly, Porsche is stepping into the game with a Hybrid Cayenne. Apparently, the car suffers from some ugly step child syndrome, but at least anyone who drives a Prius won't be able to make fun of you. It doesn't look all that different from the standard issue Cayenne, but I never found that car particularly attractive either.

But what makes a Porsche a Porsche is exactly what makes it a gas guzzler in the first place. Is anyone really going to want to drive a slower, worse version of an already slow-by-Porsche standards Porsche? Not one that costs $120k plus. Still, the electrification (or poop-i-fication) of transport is a positive step and one that I fully support.

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