Tuesday, August 24, 2010

TCD has serious questions for bear wrestling magnate

File this one under "should have seen this coming."

Sam Mazzola of Cleveland, OH apparently houses a "menagerie" - as the press is calling it - of wild and exotic animals in his backyard southwest of Lebron's former home court. His "pets" include wolves, tigers, lions and at least one bear. Recently, he had his license to exhibit his animals revoked after authorities rightfully freaked out over his plans to start a man vs. bear wrestling league. Seriously.

In a victory for wild animals kept under lock and key in Ohio, a bear not on the wrestling roster killed a caretaker at Mazzola's compound over the weekend. Obviously this sucks for 24-year old Brent Kandra and his family and it's clear why this bear was not allowed to step inside the ring with human combatants, but anyone sick enough to propose such an idea has it coming to them. It's just too bad that what was coming to Mazzola happened to Kandra.

The bear will retire with a lifetime wrestling record of 1-0 as it was euthanized over the weekend.

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