Friday, August 20, 2010

Preseason game #2

I didn't get through the entire Pats-Falcons game but I liked what I saw in the first half. The offense looked sharp and the defense looked to be the same as usual, pretty conservative and not great against the run but good enough for August.

Fred Taylor and Sammy Morris formed a nice two-headed monster in the run game and Snipes and I both agree that the Pats look great at tight end; Hernandez made a nice adjustment in the end zone to haul in a 4-yarder from future 1st ballot HOF Tom Brady (suck it Phil).

The first team offense seemed pretty sharp and I like how the ball can be distributed evenly; I am looking forward to watching a much more versatile O than the usual spread we are accustomed to up here in New England. Thanks to Mrs. Crash, I will be attending next week's game and will report more on the Pats then.



  1. Tom Brady's haircut serious? Since when did he start ballroom dancing on the side? Seriously, what a pussy.

  2. You're just jealous that you can't pull off the flowing locks
