Monday, August 23, 2010

Allow me to geek-out for a minute here: The top 10 political tech blunders

If you love cruising the Net, you'll like this list with accompanying videos and links from Fast Company. Full story here - very much worth 10 minutes of your day.

Here is the high level top 10:

10. Ted Stevens (late Senator from Alaska) claims that the internet isn't a big "truck" but a "series of tubes."
9. Jacques Chirac (former French President) discovers the computer mouse for the first time in 1997.
8. George H.W. Bush discovers the supermarket bar code scanner for the first time in 1992.
7. Sarah Palin gets a Twitter account in 2009 and single-handedly commences dismantling the English language. Though, to be fair, she didn't wait for Twitter to wage her war on grammar.
6. In 2008, one of John McCain's aides claims that McCain invented the Blackberry. (wrong)
5. In 2000 Al Gore claims to have "invented the internet." (this is later claimed to have been taken out of context, but it still exposes him as the robot that he is)
4. George W. Bush pluralized the Internet(s) and Barack Obama, not to be outdone, pluralizes Twitter(s).
3. Joe Biden (love it when Biden makes any list because you know it's gonna be great) during a live TV interview leans to an aide and asks, "Do you know the Web site number?" (he is unfamiliar with the URLs or www. addresses that we all use)
2. George W. Bush tells the world that he uses "The Google" to looks at satellite images of his Texas ranch.
1. John McCain, when asked whether he uses a Mac or a PC, comes clean and admits that he can't us a computer and relies on his wife for all of his computing needs.

There you have it folks, thanks for allowing me the indulgence.

1 comment:

  1. Great list, but I would argue that Ted Stevens could claim the #1 spot also. I love the "series of tubes." People are crazy.
