Monday, January 10, 2011

TCD Side Projects

TCD is a hit making machine. Simple fact. TCD pumps out some of the finest writers, thinkers, actors, and musicians out there. We're sort of like SNL before it started completely sucking. So of course we're proud when one of our own branches out, finds his calling and hits the big time. Client 9 and I were lucky enough to catch the TV premiere of the bio-pic based on TCD's own "Snipes." Congrats to Snipes on hitting the big time. Don't worry though folks, he'll still be one of our top contributors.

Love how BET is nestled in between the "Baby" and "Mall" channels. What are the three most important elements of real estate?

1 comment:

  1. By the way, Sam Jones III gives an inspired performance as Snipes.
