Friday, December 3, 2010

Funniest. Video. Ever.

This is the best. How did they get ALL of the A-listers in one place at once?

Norway ruins everything.


  1. Top 8 best things about this video, because 8 is as random a number as this is a video...

    8) Harpo, the world's most unknown "movie star." Or at least unknown to me.
    7) Costanza rocking 2, pushing 3, buttons down
    6) Tubbs crushing the air guitar
    5) Carlton looking Jay Cutler fat and stylin' some vocal bravado
    4) Bud from Married With Children
    3) Tonya Harding and her camo shirt
    2) Fab from Milli Vanilli is STILL lip synching. Come on' mang.

    And, the number one cameo in any video ever, especially this one...

    1) Alberto Tomba. My hero.

  2. How bad does Norm look? It's like they woke him up after passing out from a long bender and sent him out there.
