Monday, October 11, 2010

Remember cigar guy?

TCD breaks a lot of stories. So it's no surprise that we were the first to uncover the true identity of cigar guy from that excellent shot. Wait...that wasn't us? (30 staff members in our home offices in the Aleutians are all shaking their heads at me at once) Well anyway, cigar guy's true identity is uncovered and no, it's not TCD's own, JVining as previously assumed.

Cigar Guy is actually a mild-mannered, mildly embarrassed young man [named] Rupesh Shingadia, a 30-year-old investment analyst who lives with his parents in South London. The first clue that Cigar Guy was not all he seemed was the fact that the "turban" turned out to be a ponytail wig...And as it turned out, the mustache was fake too. Shingadia was a few weeks early for Halloween. But who was the inspiration for his costume? Why, someone that golf fans should have recognized instantly, of course:

(Miguel Angel Jimenez - soft 'z')

Anyway, here's on more shot of cigar guy in all his glory.


  1. Now THAT is what I call some damn good investigative journalism. Well done sir.

    Soft claps (golf) all around...

  2. I bet friend of TCD Thom "Van der Beers aka Gun aka Weekends" Reed...could rock this as a halloween costume with great success
