Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Only in Cambridge

Would they think to put art on parking ticket envelopes. That's right, artist Daniel Peltz will be putting yoga postures on parking ticket envelopes in an effort to achieve "a more peaceful exchange between Parking Control Officers and drivers being ticketed."

Here is what the new ticket envelopes will look like:

I usually don't get too many parking tickets but when I do, I get a little annoyed and a yoga posture probably wouldn't make the situation any better for me, but then again I don't live in the People's Republic. It's so crazy it just might work!

Read the full article on the Cambridge Art Council website here


  1. HAHA...from the city that brought you the composting dog poop contraption that powers lights...

  2. More likely to throw people into a rage. Picture the blue-collared dude whose parking meter expired a minute and a half ago because there was an old lady counting out exact change in front of him at the convenience store where he buys his Thursday night six-pack - one of the few luxuries his salary affords him. He comes out to find a parking ticket that not only eliminates the next month of Thursday night six-packs but also mocks his plight by suggesting that a few effete stretches will solve all his problems.

  3. well said Benjamin ... though the balance has shifted significantly in Cambridge and your Vegan/Hipster/Yogis are definitely the reigning set. At least from my view of the city
