Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Everything is Better in Dub

Dub music is like wearing a sweet pair of shades, everything looks (hears) better. Here are some links to get your fill... ENJOY!

DJ Max Tannone has been ripping some sweet Mos Def and Talib Kweli dubbing as of late, check them out here...

Kings of Dub, Easy Star All-Stars have put together three EPIC dub-mix albums with some very special musical guests, Dub Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon), Radiodread(Radiohead - OK Computer) and Easy Stars Lonely Hearts Dub Band (you know this one...). If you can every check these guys out live, preferably on a booze cruise, it is highly recommended. Recently saw them for a third time in London and they ripped. Cant wait for the next album, ideas on what it should be?


  1. Mos Dub is epic...thanks for the a free - whole album - download too. If I'm making an honest suggestion, I'd like to hear a dub version of Grateful Dead, "Grateful Dead". Think of "Me and My Uncle" "Bertha" "Mama Tried" "Big Boss Man" etc etc etc ... would be dope

  2. It's not dub, but it's close:

  3. Manifest - this is sick, thanks for posting!

    Phil - I think a Grateful Dub, or Uncle John's Dub Band, would be sick! For some reason Easy East loves the English acts...lets see if they go with an American band this time..
