Monday, August 2, 2010

Real "Minority Report" - esque crime fighting technologies

Remember "Minority Report" where former actor and current cult meeting attendee, Tom Cruise (sp?), would bust crimes before they happened using sweet sweet technology and the ESP powers of bald people dipped in goo?

Here's a great article from Fast Company that highlights some of the current technologies being used that aren't far from what was seen in the movie (just a sample; click here for the full article):

Blue CRUSH (best name!): IBM's new Blue Crime Reduction Utilizing Statistical History (CRUSH) programs feels almost directly inspired by Minority Report. Similar to the "precogs," IBM's new system uses "predictive analytics," mining years and years of incident reports and law enforcement data to "forecast criminal 'hot spots.'" Police in Memphis have already had great success with the $11-billion "precrime" predicting tool: Since installing Blue CRUSH, the city has seen a 31% drop in serious crime.

Drones (not just for aerial bombings anymore): A bill circling the House of Representatives aims to legalize unmanned aerial vehicles to fly over domestic skies for enhanced border security and oil pipeline monitoring. British units are already using UAVs to keep watch of its citizens, which would perhaps raise more questions over privacy violations if London wasn't already chock-full of CCTV cams.

OnStar: In the film, all vehicles are auto-piloted along tracks and can be controlled by law enforcement. When scanners detect a wanted criminal entering a car, police can automatically pull the vehicle over. Looks like this directly inspired OnStar's Stolen Vehicle Slowdown technology. The system enables customers and police to locate a stolen car using GPS, depower the vehicle, and watch as it glides to safety along the side of the road, ending any chance for a high speed chase. Did I mention OnStar even force-locks the doors until police can arrive?

Hang onto your butts, the future's here.

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