Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"With this instructional video, you'll be merging into the Information Super Highway's fast lane in no time."

The Upper Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont is widely known to be a mecca for tech activity and innovation. Actually, no it's not. However, I did find this excellent instructional video on the side of the road at what had to be the best table of items for sale I've ever seen. Inventory: swords, porn, records, VHS tapes, figurines, surly Upper Valley locals, and old car parts.

Needless to say, I gladly paid the asking price of 50 cents for this VHS that promises to net millions of dollars for me once I master my dial-up modem and log into my AOL account. Anyone want to me in the Phish chat room at 3:15?

Anyway, just wanted to share something awesome with all of you.

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