Friday, April 16, 2010

Today is National Stress Awareness Day...

...and April is National Stress Awareness Month. Holy smokes. What does it take to become a national day?

One site helpfully explained:

The first step is to contact your local congress person. Once you have their attention, you have to create the proposal and hopefully it will get onto the congressional agenda before too many years have passed. If you are intent on doing it and have the patience, it can be done.

Other "Days" are created by companies, special interest groups, local governments, sports teams, and others by simply declaring it so.

Since it seems like you can just declare a day and have it be so, I'm counter-declaring today "National Suck It Up and Deal Day." Alternatively, I'm declaring this weekend to be "National Day Beers Near a Body of Water Weekend." You're welcome.

That's actually not the reason I posted though. I did a little desk research (in the name of de-stressing at work in honor of this fine day) and here are some of my favorite "Days" "Weeks" and "Months." (none of these are made up)

  • Bath Safety Month (January)
  • Appreciate a Dragon Day (January)
  • Bake for Family Fun Month (February)
  • National Condom Week (February)
  • Get Over It Day (March)
  • Panic Day (both take place on March 9th which is helpful)
  • Emotional Overeating Awareness Month (April)
  • Star Wars Day (May 4th - see also Nerd Pride Day which takes place on May 25th)
  • National Steakhouse Month (June)
  • National Dog House Repairs Month (July)
  • Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day (July)
  • Backpack Safety America Month (September)
  • Squirrel Awareness Month (October)
I could go on too. A lot of stupid people have created a lot stupid days is what I'm basically driving at here.

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