Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Scutaro Watch: Day 2

I am overtly, disgustingly and unabashedly biased. What of it?

The Red Sox are building their defense of a Divisional Series exit with a combination of pitching and defense. Enter Marco Scutaro. Cue Hideki Chokajima. Now that was fun to watch.

Always great to start off the season by diving head first into the most ridiculous rivalry in sports. Personally, I was and remain most excited for tonight's matchup. Pettite v. Lackey.

Pettite has pitched against the Sox so much in his career, and, from a Yank's fan perspective, it will be interesting to watch over the course of the season how his aging body is holding up. No better way to get a first impression than against the Sox. Bottom line, the guys is money. By no means is game three of the season a big game for either team, but Pettite always answers the call* and you can bet he's ready to go tonight.

More interestingly to me is Lackey. Before 2009, this guy pretty much owned the Yankees, especially in the postseason. He is also a total head case. Can he handle Boston? Can he handle the Yankees now that he's on the Red Sox? Can he actually throw someone through a wall**?

*Want proof? Check out the dude's playoff numbers: 249 innings, 18-9 record, 3.9 ERA, 6 playoff-series clinching wins.
**"Like I want to throw somebody through a wall." Quote when asked about feelings post playoff loss in 2008.

1 comment:

  1. The pressure of the Scutaro Watch definitely contributed to that throw straight in to the dirt last night. "Pitching and Defense."
