Saturday, April 17, 2010

Andrey Melnichenko 1 - World 0

I don't even know where to start with this one. Pick up a copy of Friday's Wall Street Journal and turn to the front page of the Weekend Journal IMMEDIATELY. I'll let you have the distinct pleasure of reading this amazing article about Andrey Melnichenko's ridiculous new yacht named simply "A" - Snipes, that name didn't quite make the part deux list, did it? - but I have to include one paragraph in particular from the story here:

"The walls of one room are covered in white sting-ray hides, while another is in hand-stitched calf's hide. The main deck features two Michelle Haillard chairs made from alligator hides and Kudo horns. Known for his mischievous streak, Mr. Stark (boat's designer) outfitted "A" with risque touches like the suite dubbed the "nookie room" by the crew, with its white circular bed with padded walls and a ceiling mounted TV."

The only thing I have in common with anything having to do with this boat is that a certain "college life" publication once claimed that parties at the house I lived in my senior year were "risque...but fun." Too bad we didn't have a nookie room. Make sure you watch the video as well. Enjoy the picture below.

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